Class 1 Homework

Homework details will be posted weekly on a Friday to be handed in by the following Friday. Please look at the relevant year group column below.


Reception: A sound blending book will be sent home for you to help your child to practise sounding out the Set 1 sounds they know and blend them into words.

Year 1 & 2 :  Two Read Write Inc. reading books will be issued on a Friday to be returned the following week. Please reread these books to develop fluency. These need to be sent back every week to allow us to reissue them. 

Once year 2 children have completed the RWI reading programme they will be issued with one reading book and a comprehension practise question sheet

Phonics/spelling rules

Phonics videos for all the RWI sounds are available under the Parents Learning Support section of the school website. The Year 2 spelling rule information will be added here weekly.


Timestables Rockstars - Year 2 

Year 1 have now been issued with Timestables Rockstars log in details - please encourage your child to use this platform to start practising. 

Please use this online platform to learn your timetables - 2,5,10 and 3.

The maths toolkits we use in school are available below for you to refer to.