Name | Responsibility | Register of Business Interests | Governor at another setting? | Relationship to Staff/Pupils | Term of Office |
Tom Wise Chair Parent Governor
Safeguarding; Online Safety; Safer-Recruitment; Data; SDP monitoring |
Familial connection with SBM of the school. | no | Parent |
29.Nov.2022 to 28.Nov.2026
Appointed by Parental Vote
Appointed 29.Nov.2022 |
Kelly Birch Co-opted Governor |
HTPM; Policies; Safer-Recruitment; Well-being |
none | no | none |
29.Sept.2020 to 28.Sept.2024
Appointed by Governing Board
Appointed 29.Sept.2020 |
Geoff Woods Headteacher
Headteacher |
Wife - teacher at MPS | no | none |
n/a |
Stuart Pavey Parent Governor |
Finance |
none | no | Parent |
18.Jun.2024 to 17.Jun.2028
Appointed by Parental Vote
Appointed 18.Jun.2024 |
*Vacancy* Parent Governor |
Parent |
Emma Smyth Staff Governor
Staff liaison | none | Chair of Management Committee for Broughton Under Fives Association. | none |
17.Apr.2023 to 16.Apr.2024
Appointed by Staff Vote
Appointed 17.Apr.2023 |
Penny Evans Co-opted Governor
H&S; EYFS; Phonics |
none | no | none |
12.Sep.2023 to 11.Sep.2026
Appointed by Governing Body
Appointed 12.Sep.2023 |
Helen Shrives Co-opted Governor |
SEND; Voice of the Child |
none | no | none |
18.Jun.2024 to 17.Jun.2028
Appointed by Governing Board
Appointed 18.Jun.2024 |
Sue Jackson-Stops Co-opted Governor |
Curriculum | none | no | none | 10.Dec.2024
to 9.Dec.2028
Appointed by Governing Board
Appointed 10.Dec.2024 |
*Vacancy* Co-opted Governor |
*Vacancy* LA Governor |
Kay Jones Clerk |
Website Compliance | Clerk for 3 other schools. | no | none | n/a |
Ralph Littler LA Governor Resigned 1-8-2024 |
Pupil Premium; Voice of the Child |
none | no | none |
10.Nov.2020 to 11.Nov.2024
Appointed by LA (WNC)
Appointed 10.Nov.2020 |
Clare Read Parent Governor Resigned 1-7-2024
Welfare; EYFS
none | no | Parent |
10.Jul.2020 to 30.Jun.2024
Appointed by Parental Vote
Appointed 10.Jul.2020 |
All governing body matters are dealt with through our Full Governing Body meetings - we do not have any regular sub-committees.
Last updated November 2024
Governing Body Diversity Statement
As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices, perspectives and experience is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:
- target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
- develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
- prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
- address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks
However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.
Attendance Record