
Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child(ren) receive full time education.

Regular, punctual attendance is an essential part of delivering this responsibility.


If your child is prevented, for any reason, from attending school, then you are requested to notify the school between 8:30am and 9:15am on the morning of absence.

Notification must be in person or via a telephone call (01604 686240) by an adult with parental responsibility. Please do not use email to report an absence or ask another parent to pass a message to a member of staff.

A pupil’s absence from school will be considered unauthorised until a satisfactory explanation is received from parents.

The school day is divided into two sessions so one day of absence will be recorded as two sessions.


Registers will be taken punctually each day at 9.00am and 1.15pm.

If a pupil arrives after the start of the session they must report to the school office for signing into the school.

If they arrive up to 30 minutes late they will be registered as ‘late’ for that session.

If a pupil arrives 30 minutes or more late they will be registered as unauthorised absent for the session unless an appropriate explanation is received.

We believe that punctuality is an important social courtesy and regularly arriving late to school not only disrupts your child's opportunities for learning but also those of the children in their class.

Late arrivals are monitored by the school and meetings will take place with parents where there is concern. Concerns will also be discussed with the West Northants Council Local Authority support team for Attendance and behaviour.

Leave of Absence

If your child needs to be away from school for any reason (including medical appointments), please complete an Absence Request form.

Please note that holidays taken in term time are considered as unauthorised absence.

WNC / DfE monitoring

Our registers are uploaded to the WNC / DfE on a daily basis.  Any decisions to issue fixed penalty notices or prosecute parents for persistent lateness or persistent absence (authorised or unauthorised) are not taken solely at a school level.

Unauthorised absences totalling 10 sessions or more within a 10 week rolling window will be automatically identified for consideration of issuing a fine.


Please see our Policies area for our Attendance Policy.