At Maidwell Primary School, we believe that when we look and feel smart, it helps us to be smart in all aspects of our learning.
Our uniform comprises:
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (required)
- Light blue polo shirt (required)
- Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress (required)
- Blue/white check dresses in Summer Term (optional)
- Black shoes (required)
For reasons of safety, footwear should be generally low and supportive in style. Training shoes should not be worn except for PE.
For reasons of safety, no jewellery of any kind should be worn, except for watches (but not SMART watches please) or medical alert bracelets.
Where to buy your school uniform
Items of uniform can be purchased from any major store. Sweatshirts and PE Shirts bearing the school logo (optional) can be purchased directly from Brigade. Here you can also purchase the document cases that are used in KS2, and KS1 book bags.
At Maidwell Primary School, we also offer a pre-loved uniform option.
Our current 'stock' of pre-loved uniform is detailed below although the accuracy of this list can change quickly so please contact the school for more details.
Items are not individually priced, all we ask is an affordable donation.
preloved uniform stock list.pdf
If you would like an item of pre-loved uniform please speak to a member of staff (in confidence).
PE Kit
For PE all children should have the following:
- Dark blue shorts or jogging bottoms (required)
- White or blue t-shirt (required)
- Embroidered Maidwell PE T-Shirt (optional)
- Plimsolls/Trainers (required)
PE kit is worn for the whole day when PE is timetabled - children do not change into their PE kit at school for their PE lessons.
Personal Property
We ask that children do not bring valuable "toys" to school as we cannot be held responsible for their safety.
From time to time children may be asked to bring items from home to support their work in school. Please ensure all items of personal property are clearly named.